lördag 4 maj 2013

Exotic Swedish. Ugganåker dialect - part 2

Så då! Då har jag haft lite tid över för att skapa del 2 i min serie om dialekter. Jag har inte textat den här gången, utan tänkte istället lägga ut text nedanför. Mycket nöje!


Very well, then! I've bought some time to create the 2nd part of my series of Swedish dialects. I've not subtitled it this time, instead I've put up the transcript below. Enjoy!

Transcript (phonetic) from the video:

Ôkke Hjåll (that's crazy).
Varʂt skâ du fâra dá (where shall you go/travel).
Ja skâ fára dittnäs ja / hittnäs. (I shall go there I / here).
Nu läll (now indeed) pressing matters... enforcing what you mean or pep-talk for yourself.
Varʂt bor du nôrʂt dá (where do you live)?
Jag tyʂer ôm de já (I like it).
Finns de nôkke å iäta (is there something to eat)? - similar to elfdalian ietå.
Jag såg 'en / Jag såg 'na (I saw him / her) – short form of the word hana (her), still used in Icelandic/Faroese.
Ôkken ir 'e? (who is it?) ôkken can also be used ôkkna, when talking of multiples.
Jag tyʂer int at de ir nå rolit jag 'e (I do not think it is fun not).
Har du tajjie min mugg? (have you taken my cup?) Tajjie, slajjie.
Vi läre fell fára uggan dänne i mö:rn dá (we must, (well) go up there tomorrow then). Hänne/dänne – similar to words han & dan from the area around Harsa/Hjarse).
Hugaligen, ôkken liten dörg! (My goodness, what a small spider) – dyrg in Elfdalian & djerg on an island outside Mora (Sollerön).
Det ská bli gôtt å iäta lite tyttebärasylt (it will be tasty to eat some lingonberry jam).
Kôm hänne till mäG (come here to me) – unlike Standard Swedish we pronounce the G at the end of personal pronouns.
Säg til mäG varʂt du gjömmt 'n (tell me where you've hidden it).
Glåma får du se ôkken stu:r birn (look and you will see a big bear)

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