I sann Hob-anda delar personalen under helgen ut påsar med några böcker till kunder, som viskar "bus eller bok" i kassan. I år trodde jag att jag hade missat det men när jag var dit idag så förklarade de att evenemanget slutade på helgdagen (som var röd dag), så idag måndag hade de förlängt traditionen. Det betydde att det fanns ett par påsar kvar, varav jag fick en.
Väl hemma tog jag fram "fyndet" och kunde konstatera att det var en bra blandning av böcker. Väldigt kul med lite nya böcker.
Bokaffären med stort B. / The bookstore with a capital B.
Now this past week there was All Hallows Eve, with all that it implicates with imported Halloween-ghoul-celebration (originally Sammhuinn / Samhain) and to light candles in remembrance of loved ones (originally a Catholic custom). On the lighter side of things the Science Fiction Bookshop in Malmö held the annual tradition "Trick or Book".
In true Hobbit-spirit the staff customary hand out bags with a couple of books to customers, that whisper "trick or book" at the cash register. This year I thought I'd missed it but today when I went there they explained that the event ended on the holiday (red day), so today Monday they had prolonged the tradition. It meant there were bags left, of which I got one.
Back at home I did a book-haul and could conclude that I got a good mix of books. Very fun with some new books.
Tung kasse. / Heavy bag.
Dagens fynd! / Today's haul.
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