Om man inte vet exakt vart man ska, följ horden.
/ If you're not quite sure where you are going, follow the horde.
Lång kö trots ihärdigt regnande. / Long line despite persitant rain.
Järnmannen och Järnmannen Junior samlar folk.
/ Iron Man and Iron Man Jr gathers the crowd.
För någon som mig, som vuxit upp med de flesta av dessa filmserierna (och ibland de leksaker som följde med, på 1980-talet), eller det som nu har blivit populärkultur, är det här något att se fram emot. Som oftast har jag rest till ett evenemang i en stor grupp på en person, men för några år sedan fick jag faktiskt med mig EN person. För de flesta i min bekantskapskrets anno 2014 är det här i marginalen för vad som är intressant tror jag. I USA och Europa är liknande evenemang väldigt stora och mer accepterade generellt bland alla samhällsklasser.
Stora dyra tavlor till salu. / Large expensive poster canvases for sale.
Fullt av cosplayers, den här spelade sin roll. / Loads of cosplayers, this one acted out on her part.
Harley Quinn!
Fast mellan Luke & Mara Jade Skywalker. / Trapped between Luke & Mara Jade Skywalker.
Läskig rekvisita. / Scary prop.
Helt galet vad folk skaffar på sådana mässor.
/ It's crazy what people acquire at these conventions.
Nu idag (faktiskt precis om några timmar), ska jag till Helsingborg för höstens upplaga. Inte mindre än två skådespelare från tv-serien Game Of Thrones kommer dit, samt en från Hobbit-trilogin. Mycket intressant, även ifall "Game..." serien själv är rätt magstark stundtals. Jag är en stor Stjärnornas Krig-fantast själv och har än så länge mött både David Prowse och Kenny Baker på sådana här evenemang. Peter Mayhew vore kul att träffa också, minns att Chewbacca var min favorit som liten. En annan väldigt trevlig person som jag talade med förut ett år var Sylvester McCoy (den sjunde Doktorn/Radgast Brun) Idag blir det kul hoppas jag.
Nordiska Legionen. / Nordic Legion.
Folk, folk, folk. / People, people, people.
Genreblandning. / Genre mix-up.
About two times a year an event is arranged which is the closet we get to the San Diego Comic Con in Sweden. In reality, it is on more often, but the event is divided between Stockholm, Gothenburg, Helsingborg and Malmö throughout the year. So for us living in the south it is on two times. It's somewhat of a highlight for all who are into films, games and all that is followed in its wake (art, collectibles and so on.). For each of those events there are guests, often from famous films or tv-series - that besides selling autographs also tell a little bit about their career (sometimes you get anectdotes that never would have made it to the extra materials on a blue-ray or DVD!).
Star Trek & ödlor. / Star Trek & lizards.
Det ska börjas i tid. / You have to start early.
Snygga och dyra kläder. / Nice and expensive clothing.
For someone like me, having grown up with most of these movie-series (and sometimes the toys that followed, in the 1980's), or that which now have become pop-culture, this is something to look forward to. As most often I've travelled to these events in large groups of one, but a couple of years ago I actuallt managed to bring ONE person. For most in my circle of acquaintences anno 2014 this is in the bottom margin for what is considered interesting I believe. In USA and in Europe similar events are quite big and generally more accepted among multiple classes in soceity.
En Lannister betalar alltid sin skuld. / A Lannister always pays his debt.
Den äldsta science fiction serie i världen. / The oldest science fiction series in the world.
Jokern! / The Joker!
Perhaps it is required for someone with a well-known last name to make something "house-broken" or accepted? Nerd in it most negative meaning can otherwise be connected to an area or phenomenon. For intstance LEGO as relaxing creativity wasn't on the map until names like David Beckham, Brad Pitt and here in Sweden, Stefan Holm (Swedish high jump-athlete)"came out" as AFOL's.
Var lugn & bara Hodor. / Keep calm & Hodor.
Kristian Nairn.
Syns dessvärre inte på bilden, men detta väsen bar omkring på en My Little Pony kudde (!).
/ Unfortunately it doesn't show, but this creature carried around a My Little Pony cushion (!).
Jurrasic Park!
Now today (actually in a couple of hours), I'm off to this Autumn's edition in Helsingborg. No less than two actors from the show Game Of Thrones will be there, as well as one from the Hobbit-trilogy. Very interesting, even though "Game..." is a bit too thick for comfort sometimes. I'm a big Star Wars-fan myself and has so far met both David Prowse and Kenny Baker during such events. Peter Mayhew would also be fun to meet, remember that Chewbacca was my favourite as a youngster. Another very nice person I spoke with another time was Sylvester McCoy (the Seventh Doctor/Radagast the Brown). Today will be all good times I hope.
Adam Brown (Ori)
Sökte på star trek props och såg fotot på mig i min captain uniform från star trek orginal serien. live long and prosper