Hållbarhet (2014).
Bryggan var sliten
Bryggan var skadad
Plankor brustna
Fibrer åtgångna,
Av ej varsam behandling.
Vinden tog tag,
Bryggan föll samman.
Kvar fanns pålar.
Vatten delade,
Vatten skingrade
Tiden rann vidare.
Rep samlade nytt mod.
Samlade nya plankor.
Knöt an till de forna pålar.
Solen sken försiktigt.
Värmde sensommarskönt.
Hela plankor på en rad.
Ut mot havet.
Bryggan var ny.
Bryggan på pålar.
Doften av nysågat virke,
Spreds när allt föll i stycken.
Stycken som flöt vidare i tiden.
Kvar fanns hålen av forna pålar.
Som vatten skingrade.
Som vatten delade.
Poems, it might sound pretentious although it doesn't have to be. Sometimes it can be one of the best ways to get a hold of your thoughts. I do not write poems as much as others, but sometimes it happens. Here is:
Durability (2014).
The bridge was tarnished
The bridge was damaged
Planks broken,
Fibers battered,
From uncareful treatment.
The wind took hold,
The bridge fell apart.
Poles remained.
Water divided,
Water dispersed
Time flowed on.
Rope gathered new courage.
Gathered new planks.
Tied to the old poles.
The sun shone carefully
Warmed late summer nicely.
Whole planks in a row.
Out towards the sea.
The bridge was new.
The bridge on poles.
The scent of newely cut timber,
Spread when all fell to pieces.
Pieces flowed onward in time.
Remained were the holes of old poles.
That water divided.
That water dispersed.
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