Jag hade bara en kandelaber med några stearinljus som den enda ljuskällan för den här uppgiften. Det verkade som en annorlunda idé. I stereon var det laddat sånger av Antestor, Veni Domine, Extol & Dream Theatre - så tonen var satt. Man kan säga att jag var uppväxt på hårdrock under den här tiden. Så staffliet, färgerna, ljusen och en spegel fick mig att förlora tiden ett tag.
Det jag fann intressant var hur färger ser ut i ett mörkt rum (nåväl, månen lyste också utanför). I ett sådant ljus som stearinljus har färgerna ett annat lyster för ögat. Det framgår ganska tydligt på tavlan. Inte precis de färger jag skulle ha valt ifall jag hade haft tillgång till "vanligt" ljus. Proportionerna är lite av men det känns väldigt konstnärligt! Sedan var jag både yngre och hade längre hår. Kanske dags för ett till porträtt...?
Self-portrait. It is something that everyone that paints comes across eventually. Perhaps as a way to study the interaction of colour or, as for me, be a part of a curriculum. I remember it fairly clearly. In the Smolandish (Småland province) highlands I had just begun the 2nd year on an artistic education, and the task we had recieved was to paint a self-portrait. A bit intimidating, but surely for good use, I thought. At the school we had a two-story cabin near a lake which was fantastic, with skylights and a small balchony where you could enjoy a cup of tea. So one day in August I decided to do it.
I only had a candelabra with a couple of light sticks as the sole source of light for this task. It seemed as a different idea. The stereo was pumped with songs by Antestor, Veni Domine, Extol & Dream Theatre , among others - so the tone was set. You could say I was brought up and bred on metal music during this time. So the easel, colours and a mirror made me loose time for a while.
What I found interesting was how colours look like in a dark room (well, the moon outside shone too). In such light as the light from light sticks the colours have a different glaze to the eye. It becomes clear for this painting. Not exactly the colours I would have chosen if I had had access to "normal" light. The proportions are a bit off but it feels very artsy! Then I was both younger and had longer hair. Perhaps it's time for another portrait...?
Självporträtt. / Self-portrait (1999).
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