Vad du än behöver göra för att "lämna bort" det du är trött på och som kletar fast vid ditt liv, så kan det vara värt det. Gå in i nya året med ny syn på livet. Sången kan också fungera som en nationalsång för orättvisor i din omgivning eller världsläget. Dra ur det svarta, rena sinnet och fungera bättre som en människa.
Gott nytt år!
Annual accounts with 2015. Good and bad things. Surely you have things that you are very grateful for, life has got new air under its wings. That is something to bring into the new year. The bad things only want to rob you of the life you need and want. You have things you need to "throw away", no doubt, to make room for the good things. Rarely I've heard a song so aggressively honest and hopeful in all its rawness as "Sick of it" by Skillet.
Whatever you need to "leave away" that which you are sick of and that sticks to your life, it can be worth it. Enter the new year with a new view on life. The song can also function as a hymn against the injustices in your surrounding or the world. Pull out the dark, cleanse your mind and function better as a person.
Happy New Year!
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