Jag är inte helt säker på att människor i vår stad är medvetna om att jag är aktiv inom konstarterna. Nu är tiden inne för att ändra på det!
250 kort. / 250 cards.
Everything with this hobby is about exposure, to show the world that I am here, I am active and want to interact. The will to show has been of varied quality. But a few days ago I decided that I really needed to have some kind of advertising for myself. So after some pottering about I created a template at Vistaprint. Today the parcel arrived. Now it becomes so much easier, all of the sudden, to spread the knowledge about my art on.
I'm not too sure a lot of people in our city is aware that I'm active within the arts. Now is the time to change that!
Nu får jag alltid bära med mig minst två när jag lämnar hemmet.
/ Now I need to carry at least two when I leave the home.
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