Pergamenteffekten görs med fördel med en lätt våt tepåse.
/ The parchment-effect is made with a slightly wet tea-bag.
"When God made the world the finest of earth, mountains
and greens were saved for last. 18 pearls were invited to rise to the surface and
became the Faroe Islands. According to a legend with inspiration
from "Skapanin" (The Creation).
Pastell skapar rätt häftiga skiftningar. Rött på gult på brandgult på...
/ Pastel creates rather cool shades. Red on yellow on orange on...
"Gud skingrade vattnet så att land kom fram. Gud kallade
land jord och vattnet hav. Gud såg att det var gott."
"God dispersed the waters so that land appeared. God called
the land earth and the water ocean. God saw that it was good."
Another thing I found in the recess. In 2003 myself and a group from the Nordic Folk High School went for a study-trip to the Faroe Islands. A magnificent travel and a meeting with a fantastic neighbouring people. As a part of the report we were supposed to make we should also do a mini-exhibition. I chose (not surprisingly) to do it in images. The rough landscape and the wheather was best captured in oil pastels. I was very satisfied with the rugged style I managed to produce. On the other hand I deviated in my report in that I took the islanders Christian faith seriously in my presentation, which surely was thought of as strange for a school whose only policy was to "show consideration" - towards just about anything except such "religious" undertones.
Det är så att man vill tillbaka. / I feel the urge to return.
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