Teater är fantastiskt. I den konstformen kan man omvandla sig själv, man tar saker från sin egen personlighet för att skapa en ny eller annan. Om man i vanliga fall är rätt lugn och städad kan man genom teater bli vild eller grotesk, som ett exempel. Allt är möjligt, och det är ofta skönt att få utmana sig själv. Man växer. Teater eller drama borde vara obligatoriskt i viss mån i alla skolor.
Finally it might be time for theater again. A prompter & a director from the group that I formerly was a part of in 2012 gave me a call. Something always catches on as soon as theater is on the table for discussion. Creative expressions incites and inspires. Now everything depends on whether the rehearsals are on the "right" day or not. Wednes- and Thursdays are off the planning since they are already schedueled with church activities and my wife's choir-singing. I do hope that it is solvable. It was now too long since I was a part of a dramatic creative process.
Theater is fantastic. In this art-form you can really re-invent yourself, you take parts from your own personality to create a new or another. If you are quite the calm and well-behaved person normally, through theater you can become wild and grotesque, as an example. Everything is possible and it's often quite nice to challenge yourself. You grow. Theater or drama should to some extent be mandatory in all schools, in my opinion.
En annan sida av mig. / A different side of me.
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